The Paleo diet is a nutritional approach based on the type of food that would have been available to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The premise behind the Paleo diet is that our bodies haven’t evolved much since we stopped hunting for our food and started growing it, so by eating only foods that were available to our ancestors, we can regain health and vitality.
What is the Paleo diet?
A paleo diet is a nutritional plan based on the foods presumed to have been eaten by early humans. The idea behind this type of diet is that the human body is genetically adapted to the diet of its ancestors, which were presumably hunters and gatherers who ate no grains or dairy products.
The paleo diet encourages people to eat lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds—foods that were readily available during our pre-agricultural days. But it also recommends limiting or avoiding processed food (such as bread) and sugars (including table sugar).
How does the Paleo diet work?
The Paleo diet emphasizes lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and nuts and excludes processed foods like sugar, grains, legumes and dairy products.
The Paleo diet has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol levels and reduce body fat mass in some studies. Some research suggests that it may be helpful for weight loss or weight maintenance
What can you eat on the Paleo diet?
A typical Paleo diet consists of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Processed foods are not allowed on this diet because they contain too many carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.
The main difference between a Paleo diet and other diets is the focus on cutting out processed foods. This includes grains (like wheat), legumes (like beans), dairy products and any foods containing artificial additives or preservatives in them. The reason for this is because these ingredients aren’t part of what would have been available to our ancestors thousands of years ago when they were living in caves or roaming around hunting wild animals for food. They also didn’t have access to modern technology like refrigerators so it wouldn’t make sense for us to eat like they did back then either!
The most important thing about deciding if you’re going to try following a Paleo diet plan is how well it fits with your lifestyle and whether or not it makes sense health-wise too!
What foods should you avoid on the Paleo diet?
Unfortunately, not every food you can eat is available in nature. As a result, some foods on the Paleo diet may not be available to you. Here’s a list of those foods:
Processed foods — refined sugar and flour are common ingredients in these types of foods; avoid them at all costs!
Dairy products — milk should never be consumed by humans without being fermented beforehand (which makes it safe for consumption). It’s also known to cause serious health problems when consumed regularly as an adult or child.
Grains — wheat has been linked to numerous disorders such as Crohn’s disease and obesity due to its high glycemic index (GI). Refined flours also have very little nutritional value left after they have been processed so they are best left off your shopping list when possible (although some experts do recommend sprouted grain breads).
Is the Paleo diet safe or healthy?
Paleo is a good approach to eating that includes lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. It’s not a fad diet. Paleo is not just about losing weight or fat, but improving your overall health by eating more nutrient-dense foods, cutting out processed foods, and avoiding all grains (including wheat), legumes (including soy), dairy products (except ghee) and refined sugar. If you’re interested in the Paleo diet but aren’t sure where to start, consult with your doctor first about how it might fit into your medical history. The benefits of following this way of eating are clear: It can help you lose weight and improve your health by cutting out refined sugars, processed carbohydrates (like wheat flour), dairy products and vegetable oils. Instead you’ll get lots of protein from animal sources like chicken or beef as well as healthy fats from avocados and coconut oil. Eliminating grains because they contain gluten which can cause digestive problems in some people.
But there are some potential downsides too: Going paleo means avoiding legumes (lentils) because they’re high in phytates—natural compounds found in plants that block mineral absorption; limiting fruit intake due to its high sugar content; banning dairy products because most cows eat grains instead of grasses naturally so cow milk isn’t as nutritious for humans anymore!
The Paleo diet is a great way to lose weight and feel healthier. It can also help you manage your diabetes and improve your overall health. However, it’s important to remember that there are many different approaches to eating healthy — so if this one doesn’t work for you, don’t worry! There are plenty of other options out there too (just ask around).