Is My Weight Goal Realistic?


After years of struggling with your weight, you may have decided it’s time to lose some kilos. The best way to do that is by setting a goal: losing so many pounds in a certain amount of time or reaching a specific body fat percentage. But what if your goal seems too lofty? Is it still possible to reach your goal if you want to lose 10kgs in three months? Absolutely! Here are some tips for making sure your weight loss goals are realistic:

Set short-term goals and mini milestones.

When you’re setting your weight-loss goals, it’s important to remember that they’re merely a means to an end. The true goal is not the number itself; rather, it’s the process of getting there and attaining a healthy lifestyle.

It can be tempting to set unrealistic goals (like losing 30 pounds in one week or dropping 5 dress sizes overnight), but in order for your weight-loss plan to be effective, it should be realistic—and ultimately achievable! If you think about what you need from your dieting/exercise plan on both sides of the spectrum—too easy or too hard—you’ll be able to find middle ground between them.

Be specific.

Get specific:

How much weight do you want to lose?

When do you want to reach your goal? (Be realistic.)

What is your daily nutrition like now? Are there any changes that need to be made in order for you to meet your goal?

What exercises will help us achieve our weight loss goals and how often should they be performed each day or week?

Be realistic.

You want to lose weight, but the number on the scale isn’t coming down fast enough. Is your goal realistic?

Your ideal situation is to wake up one morning and find that you’ve lost 15 pounds overnight. But that’s unrealistic. In fact, most people who lose significant amounts of weight will tell you that it took some time and effort—and probably not as much as they had hoped or expected.

So how do you set a realistic weight loss goal? Here are some tips:

If your goal involves losing more than 5% of your current body weight in a month or two, it’s probably unrealistic.* If your goal involves losing more than 10% of your current body weight in a year or so (or longer), it may be too much.* A realistic goal might involve losing 1-2 pounds per week over several months.* It might also involve losing 4-5 pounds per month over six months or so.* Your personal goals should be based on these factors: how much exercise can I reasonably commit to doing each day; how many calories can I reasonably limit myself to eating each day; what does my doctor say about this type of diet for my health condition? (1 kg =2.2 pounds)

Don’t compare yourself to others.

You will never be able to lose weight in the same way as someone else, or at the same rate. The human body is not a machine that can be programmed and controlled, no matter how much we may wish it were so. You will find yourself getting frustrated when you see other people losing weight faster than you are or seeing people who have been on diets for longer than you have already lost all their fat and look like they could star in a fashion magazine. Don’t let this get to you!

There are many factors that go into how long it takes anyone to lose weight and keep it off (or gain it back). Our genetic make-up plays a role, as do our habits, our stress levels and even how much sleep we get each night. Additionally, some people might have more health problems than others which affect their ability to lose weight fast or at all—thus making their goals different from yours! If anything goes wrong with your body during the process of losing weight, adjust accordingly so that things don’t get worse before they get better.

Take stock of your current lifestyle and habits.

Take stock of your current lifestyle and habits. This will help you determine if your weight loss goals are realistic, or if there are some things that need to change before you can reach them.

What do I eat? How often do I eat? How much do I eat at each meal? Do I snack in between meals? If so, what types of food do I tend to snack on most often and how much do they contain calories?

What kind of physical activity am I doing (if any)? How often am I exercising or moving around during the day? Is this enough exercise for me—or does it need to be adjusted so that my body loses more fat at a faster rate than its current pace?

How much sleep am I getting each night (if any)? Am I getting enough rest for my body’s needs; not too little but also not too much either! It’s important not only because it helps our bodies function properly but also because lack thereof can lead us down rabbit holes like stress eating which leads back into other problems such as obesity…so make sure you’re taking care of yourself 🙂

Setting a positive but manageable goal for weight loss is important for success and feeling good.

When you’re setting a goal for weight loss, it’s important to do so with a positive mindset. It can be easy to get discouraged if we set goals that are too high. We may start to think: why bother trying?

Setting goals that are too low is also a problem because it can lead to giving up before we’ve even gotten started on the path toward our goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 15 pounds in two weeks, but you only manage five pounds in two weeks (and put back on four at the end of those two weeks), then those two weeks were pretty discouraging!

If your weight loss plan is going well and you want more motivation or inspiration along the way, consider tracking your progress visually by keeping an eye on how much closer or further away from your goal you are with each pound lost or gained. If possible, choose goals which have some relationship between them (e.g., if losing 60 pounds takes six months instead of one year).


If a weight loss goal is something you’re struggling with, remember that it’s okay not to know exactly where you’re going. It can be helpful to take a step back from the situation and make sure that your plan is realistic and positive—both in terms of what it will take to reach success and how you’ll feel about it when the time comes. Consult a nutritionist, personal trainer or experienced friend if you have any challenges. We hope these tips have been helpful for you!

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